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How is the RapidWMS system built?

The transparent and intuitive RapidWMS system consists of four main modules.

Managment console

This is the main part of the system where warehouse management is carried out. It is here that, based on documents downloaded from the ERP system, orders to perform specific warehouse operations are generated and feedback is sent. This module divides individual warehouse operations into tasks sent to collectors used by warehouse workers.

Module for portable collectors

All tasks generated in the RapidWMS system are sent to portable collectors. Operations performed by warehouse workers are recorded on collectors using barcodes.

Analytical module

This module includes all warehouse reports, generated appropriate alerts and calculated indicators. Here, the warehouse is also optimized in terms of space utilization and stock volume.

Integration module

It is a platform for communication with the ERP system. Documents created in the ERP system are transferred to warehouse orders in this module. Confirmations of the execution of subsequent orders are sent back to the ERP system, taking into account any differences that occurred during the execution of the order in the warehouse.


Communication between the ERP system, RapidWMS and collectors takes place online. This means that each task performed on the collector is immediately registered in the RapidWMS system. At the same time, each order from the RapidWMS system is immediately transferred to the collector without the need to connect it to a computer.

effective warehouse management,


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Rapid WMS informuje, że świadcząc usługi korzysta z technologii przechowującej i uzyskującej dostęp do informacji w urządzeniu końcowym użytkownika, w szczególności z wykorzystaniem plików cookies. Korzystając ze strony wyrażasz zgodę na ich używanie.