About Arix
Arix is the largest Italian manufacturer operating on the most important foreign markets in the cleaning products industry. The company was established in 1969 and since the beginning of its activity has been supplying sales outlets around the world with a wide range of natural and synthetic sponges, abrasive sponges, sponges that do not scratch the surface, floor wipes, multifunctional wipes, personal hygiene products, ironing boards, brushes and many other products and solutions tailored to the needs of the most demanding customers.
In 1999, in Poland, in Kleszczów in the Łódź Voivodeship, a production and strategic center for the markets of Eastern Europe and markets outside the European Union was established. It has an area of 18,000 m² and its location in the center of Poland allowed Arix to further expand into the markets of Eastern Europe. In 2010, the company opened its second logistics and production plant in Poland, in Żłobnica in the Kleszczów commune. Plastic castings are made in the 10,000 m² plant. Research and constant development of the company as well as modern machinery confirm Arix’s position as a leader in its industry.
Business situation before system implementation
Due to the systematic increase in the scale of warehouse processes caused by the growing number of orders, new challenges related to the functioning of the warehouse have emerged. It turned out to be necessary to implement solutions that would improve the operation of the warehouse without the need to expand staff or expand the warehouse space.
One of the main challenges faced by Arix due to the significant increase in the flow of goods through the production warehouse and the commercial warehouse was the need to shorten the time necessary to complete the goods, as well as to speed up and improve the process of preparing the goods for shipment, as well as all the procedures related to their release. . With the significant increase in the number of goods in both warehouses, there was a problem of lack of information about the actual stock of goods in the raw materials warehouse and in the commercial warehouse. Before the implementation of the RapidWMS system, warehouse workers had to check each time whether the goods produced and ordered for release were already in the commercial warehouse or whether they had not yet been transferred there from the production warehouse, which meant that the completion of the release took place in multiple stages and was time-consuming.
Permanent storage places for goods were also a problem, which made it necessary to reserve warehouse shelves for new deliveries, which meant that the warehouse space was not used effectively. Permanent storage places also generated problems with finding goods when they were put away in another place or had poor rotation, because after some time employees forgot where the goods were. This required special attention from warehouse workers and work in accordance with established storage rules. In order to work effectively, a new warehouse employee had to first learn and master the agreed rules, which turned out to be a time-consuming process, resulting in errors during the transition period. There were also mistakes when issuing goods due to similar assortment and product indexes, as well as problems with issuing goods in accordance with FIFO.
The task of the new RapidWMS system was, among others:

- streamlining the process of picking, accepting and releasing goods;
- eliminating errors when issuing goods;
- providing precise information about current stock levels;
- improving the work comfort of warehouse workers;
- optimization of warehouse inventory enabling effective use of warehouse space;
- automation of key processes in the warehouse.
Arix decided to choose the RapidWMS system. ISK Sp. was selected to carry out the implementation. z o. o. – manufacturer of the RapidWMS system. The implementation was preceded by determining the detailed needs and requirements for the warehouse management system by future users from Arix. The analyzes performed allowed for the development of a precise implementation plan.
The next step was to create a detailed Storage Program, including, among others: preparation and verification of the hardware platform and warehouse marking. The next stages of work included, among others: : installation and configuration of the RapidWMS system, data synchronization, testing, preparation of warehouses for operation, creation of job instructions, employee training, inventory and support after system launch. After implementing the RapidWMS system, Arix employees obtained full information about the actual quantity of goods in the raw material warehouse and in the commercial warehouse, as well as the detailed location of manufactured goods, indicating where they are at a given moment (in the production warehouse, commercial warehouse or on the way between warehouses). .
The following processes have been improved:
- picking and preparing goods for shipment was accelerated;
- the shipping process was improved by introducing modern hardware solutions;
- the RapidWMS system enabled automatic verification of goods available and unavailable on a warehouse release order;
- the option of automatically splitting the issue into available and unavailable goods freed warehouse workers from the need to verify what is currently in stock;
- warehouse workers have the opportunity to choose whether the order will be completed partially or completely, with all goods delivered for delivery;
- the need to use permanent storage places was eliminated, because the RapidWMS system shows employees precisely where the goods are located;
- The RapidWMS system has improved the implementation of new warehouse employees who, after training in the use of the data collector, can work efficiently and do not have to spend additional time learning the agreed rules for storing goods.
Major changes included:
- data synchronization including, among others: customer and supplier files, assortment items;
- equipping warehouse workers with modern, mobile data collectors with the RapidWMS system;
- integration of the RapidWMS system with ERP Symfonia.

Benefits achieved
- the process of receiving goods into the warehouse and issuing them to customers was accelerated;
- the error rate in warehouse releases has been reduced;
- complaints caused by errors during issuance have been eliminated;
- product identification by reading barcodes was introduced;
- the time of finding goods has been significantly shortened, among others. thanks to labeling of goods and shelves;
- a monitoring system was introduced to enable effective control of inventory levels;
- the shipment management process was improved and other key processes in the warehouse were automated;
- the process of ordering components for the production department has been optimized;
- the time needed for accounting work in the company was reduced.

Customer Data:
Arix Polska Sp. z o. o.
Przemysłowa 8 St.
97-410 Kleszczów
Polska +48 44 731 34 41

Implementing company:
ISK Sp. z o.o.
Pułaskiego 25 St.
42-200 Częstochowa
+48 34 361 10 20